global philanthropy forum

start your day with a grounding, inspiring outdoor yoga class.

tuesday october 17, 7:30am

Wednesday october 18, 7:30am

Thursday October 19, 7:30am

classes are 45 minutes, at rincon park.

Yoga is an ancient practice that over millennia has offered humans an opportunity to find center and attune our bodies, breath, mind and spirit in a joyful way. We’re excited to host your team for morning classes before inspiring days together.

At Outdoor Yoga SF we immerse ourselves in nature, enjoy soulful music with silent disco headphones and move through postures at a steady, intentional pace. Together, we will tune into the mind, body and spirit through feel-good movement, together in community.

This class is appropriate and encouraged for all levels of experience.

important notes about this event..

How to prepare:

- Dress in Layers! Mornings in San Francisco can be cool. We recommend yoga pants or joggers, and dressing in layers with a warmer light puffy or sweatshirt.

If you like to be extra warm, bring socks and a hat! We stay plenty warm with movement and taking in the beauty of of the bay.

- Sun protection: sunglasses, hat, sunscreen.

- Water and/or hot tea if its cool out.

What we provide:

We will provide yoga mats, headphones, and an immersive experience for you.

how to find us:

We will be setup at Rincon Park, on the southern side, near the water. The park isn’t big, it will be easy to see us!
Here’s a pin as well.