A grounding, nourishing and inspiring morning practice for everyone.


join us for the next morning practice

Simple, empowering, effective.

next sessionS:

MONDAY March 3 - friday MArch 21, 2025

monday - friday 7:00AM - 7:35AM ON ZOOM


time for you, everyday.

The Daily Practice is an opportunity, to come home to yourself each morning with gentle movement, breath and stillness.

To start fresh each day, with an intention to care for and connect with heart, mind and body.

I offer this daily morning practice because what I have found to be true as a student is exactly what is described in the texts of yoga: practice everyday for a short amount of time is a very generative, effective and joyful way to practice :)

When we attune to the heart, body and breath early in the morning and create a felt sense of stability in our nervous system, which is typically felt as relaxed, present alertness.

We can connect to a felt sense of grounded spaciousness.

Daily practice can support each moment and how we move through our days, which is how we move through our lives.

The practice is intentionally designed to be "easy" and nourishing. It’s not your morning workout, though we will move and make space in the body.

Morning practice schedule

7:00am - arriving, grounding, softening in. 
7:04am - resonance breathing
7:08am - slow stretching, caring for our joints, muscles, and tight spaces.
7:28am - sitting quietly
7:35 - close.

Join me and our Morning Practice sangha (community) for 15 days / 3 weeks of morning practice. A daily ritual in gentle, loving, steady practice.

A subtle and powerful reset to support you for a day where you are more connected to yourself, no matter what arises, creating a deeper sense of agency and ease in how we choose to respond to life.

I so look forward to welcoming you into this beautiful space 💛 It is a gift to carve time to take good care of ourselves.

More practice details:

- We practice each day from 7am - 7:35am PT Monday - Friday.

- On the weekends, you can listen to a recording, or do your own practice

- We will also meet Wednesdays from 7-8pm to share about the practice and connect in community.

- You will receive more info upon registration, and here are some pieces to note:

- Setup a place in your home that feels sacred, clean and supportive of morning stretching and sitting.

- We are live on zoom. Many students prefer using their phone instead of computer for this practice. Either one works.

- You simply arrive, light a candle if you wish, and we begin.

-It’s wonderful if you can have your camera on, directed at your candle, or a flower, or even you! But if you prefer to have your camera off, that’s welcome too.

-You are welcome to do as much or as little of the practice as you desire.

Sliding Scale Rates

Our intention with offering a sliding scale is to create more access to mindfulness programs for our community, and for you to be able to contribute based on your financial ability. We kindly ask you to give at the highest rate you are able.

Suggested contribution is $249.

If you are feeling financially constrained, you are welcome to register at the base rate of $149. If you are feeling financially abundant, you are invited contribute at the benefactor rate of $349.

*We are also am making 5 spaces available as a gift for anyone not in a position to contribute, or to contribute less. I welcome you wholeheartedly to accept this gift. Please email me

The practice includes:

- 15 mornings of practice. All recordings will be shared with you if you miss a day.

- A welcome call on Sunday evening from 7pm-7:30pm PT to orient you to the practice, which is recommended but not required. I will record this as well, but best if you can be there live.

- 2 Wednesday evening Reflection Circles from 7-8pm. A relaxed opportunity to connect with other practitioners, share how the practice is going, any insights, ask questions, and deepen in community.

- If for any reason you don't enjoy the practice and feel it isn't for you, I'm happy to refund you if you let me know by the end of the 2nd day of practice. No questions asked. I really want it to be an easeful practice you enjoy, so please feel free to join!

reviews and experiences

“A daily 35 minute gift to yourself of breathing, gentle movement and stillness that subtly remains with you all day. I am more grounded, open and calm because of this practice. I am so so grateful for having joined in the care, commitment, and community held by Julie and Kirin.”

“I was reluctant to commit to a practice that involved getting up early. However, I quickly began to feel the benefits of beginning my day with this kind of loving attention to my body, breath, and energy.

Kirin is such a wise and loving guide. The gifts I experience from the practice keep me returning each day, and the accountability and support of the group community keep me returning when it’s hard. This is my third month.

I simply love this practice and the channels of energy and intuition it has opened up for me. it is a profound gift, i couldn’t recommend it more.’

  • Laurie

“In the stillness of the morning, before anyone asks anything of you, Kirin guides the most beautiful awakening through gentle movement, loving awareness, and energizing breath work.

This unique meditation style has made it possible for me to start each morning with kindness towards myself, no matter what the day brings. Choosing myself (instead of emails or the snooze button) has been a huge act of self-love. And the community that also chooses this for themselves is a powerful mirror of love and inspiration. The discussion groups are the most nourishing outlet to be witnessed, moved, and feel connected. I’m so grateful for this practice”

I hemmed and hawed about joining the Daily Practice because waking up that early really scared me. I thought of myself as a night owl and thought I'd barely be able to hang on for the month. But, to tell you how well it's going: I'm signing up for another month!!! The Daily Practice has transformed my days and weeks to be both calmer AND more productive. I've shifted from being a night owl to enjoying waking while the sun is coming up to Kirin’s soft voice and candlelight, with body-loving gentle stretches and breathwork. Do this for yourself :)

- Diane


Daily care for mind, body, heart, energy

  1. Train your attention = mind

2. Connect to inner intelligence = heart + BODY

3. Ground in presence = BREATH + COMMUNITY



  1. welcome gathering

    SUNDAY march 2, 7-7:30PM

    We will connect as a community and kick-off this time together.

    1. Review practical tools + principles for meditation. Understand why are using these specific tools.

    2. To keep it brief and honor your time, we will officially end at 7:30pm. I will stay on to answer questions until 8pm, so please feel free to stay for Q&A!

      This session will be recorded and shared, however attending live is most beneficial for all.

2. The Practice: 35 minutes each day.

Monday march 3 - FRIDAY march 7

Monday march 10 - FRIDAY march 14

Monday march 17 - FRIDAY march 21

All morning sessions will be recorded and will shared after each session. You can keep these and use them for future practice anytime.

3. The Community: REFLECT + CONNECT


Join in to reflect on the practice, ask questions, and connect other practitioners.

This is often an unexpected and much-loved, rich part of the experience.



Julie + Kirin