fall recharge

yoga & heartsong retreat

october 18 - 20

yuba river / nevada city

with julianne aiello

and song with kayla diana


“I got way more out of it than I was expecting. What would I tell a friend? Do it!! Make it happen! It is truly one of the most amazing things I have done for myself. I am still bathing in the afterglow.”

— Dana

“You don’t have to be a singer to join and maybe better if not! As women we can limit ourselves and our expression in this world, and this retreat created such lightness, release and creativity without judgement. The grounds were special and spa was a game changer and lovely start to the day! To have coffee under the trees, naked (if you want) and to enjoy sauna and hot tub was a treat in itself. I walked away feeling strong, relaxed and connected. Thank you for your efforts and creating these spaces!”

"Thoughtfully organized retreat with expert yoga and guided meditation instruction, wonderful company, healthy delicious meals, and a beautiful setting. I certainly benefitted from the connection and self-reflection. Thank you, Julie and team!"

“I would totally, and have, been sharing this retreat with friends. From the moment I arrived I could feel the intention and energetic container for what the weekend had in store. The connection with others felt so easy and beautiful. The space was incredible. The pace of the weekend felt really good also. I am so grateful that I was able to make this retreat and look forward to doing more with Julie and Kayla. It was such a rich experience.”

“This was a beautiful retreat, spending intentional, slow time with like-minded women. Taking time in nature; nurturing ourselves with yoga, singing, and delicious food; and connecting with new friends. A refreshing way to pour back into yourself if you need a weekend away.”

SOULFUL Nature Camp IS for women of all ages to come practice yoga, restore and reconnect to beauty within and all around.


  • Fall in Nevada City: Warm days and cool nights. Nevada City typically has very beautiful weather in late October and is a sweet spot to catch the last summer rays.

  • Slowing down, together. An opportunity to slow down as and reconnect at this late Fall time. To feel the earth in its end of year harvest and starting to grow quiet, and tune into our bodies and intuition. I have hosted retreats at this time of year for many years, and the Fall retreats have a special flavor of savoring, slowing, deepening.

  • Peaceful, powerful mornings. Beautiful meditations in nature, soulful, strong yoga and barre classes in the big cathedral space. Guided practices with strengthening, liberating movement so you can breathe and move intuitively, gracefully, powerfully.

  • Afternoons in the wild. Recharging with beach hangs by the river, and swimming in the waters which will still be warm from summer.

  • Sunset Practices. Late afternoon slow flow and restorative yoga, meditation, and vocal activation. We will tap into the power of our voices through toning and sharing in song.

  • Beautiful evenings: Mouthwatering meals, enjoyed slowly. Conscious conversations and collective gathering. Campfire songs, followed by reaming under the stars... 

  • Get a taste of this retreat - See photos from the spring retreat here.

Nature, embodied yoga and movement practices, breath, song and sisterhood are the medicine for this weekend retreat. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions: julie@outdooryogasf.com

More details on the retreat booking page - link below.

Book by JULY 30 and receive 2 free Outdoor Yoga SF classes!

the Property:

We have an epicurean, peaceful, partially permaculture backyard garden orchard and entertaining event center. We are nestled in the sierra foothills 5 minutes from the middle fork of the yuba river and Bullards Bar Resivoir either direction from Old Toll Rd.

  • The hub of the outdoor entertaining area is the kitchen and large surrounding patio. There are many seating nooks to kick back in!

  • There is also a spacious, new outdoor deck for yoga and lounging.

  • The sauna and outdoor tubs are dreamy. The hand-built sauna is wood-fired and roomy, holds up to 12 people. Additionally, there are 3 outdoor showers and 2 outdoor composting toilets for all guests to share. Those staying in the main cabin can utilize the indoor bathroom facilities.

  • In every dwelling we provide 1-2 beds clean sheets and warm blankets, pillows, table and chairs at least one outlet and solar lights for the canvas tents. Our extra communal space we call the cathedral it has been used as a yoga shala, workout space or late night dance area.

RETREAT Details:

I've held many retreats over the years, and the coming together of kind-hearted, creative people has resulted in so many beautiful friendships and circles of friends. if you're looking to build community, it's here, and we're here for you. 

  • All meals will be plant-based, gluten and dairy free. One of the dinners will include an option for chicken or fish.

  • Alcohol will not be served. If you'd like to enjoy a beer or a glass of wine, you're welcome to bring and enjoy with dinner. It is expected that you will enjoy a small, responsible amount, if you choose.

  • If you don't have a car, there will be a spreadsheet where you can ask for a ride. This is typically an easy solution, as people are open to driving and carpooling. While we don’t guarantee a ride, we’ve never had anyone not be able to find a ride from the Bay Area.

  • The retreat includes lodging, meals starting with Dinner on Friday through Brunch on Sunday, all classes, and our coordination of this experience to make it really special for you!!   


Have you read the Red Tent? Women have been retreating together since Biblical times, from gathering to commune during our moon cycles to retreating annually to break from busyness of our daily lives and all we hold, and come home to be held by the earth and each other.

We believe every woman deserves time and space to retreat.. to reconnect to source, to the  flow of life force moving through us, and to remember, we can express our life force in our own powerful, gentle, silly, RAWR, perfect way. The world is asking for us in our authentic expression more than ever, and for us to be attuned to what is authentic for us now.

This retreat is a time to refresh, renew, and to soften. Old grooves and patterns (we will be off-grid, mostly off phone). To move in new and familiar ways, to receive guidance and inspiration from us, your guides, and from each other. To rewild our souls in nature. How we inhabit our bodies, express our voice, and connect to what matters to us.

Read more about Julianne and Kayla at the bottom of this page.

THE itinerary


12pm - Retreat begins. Meet for beautiful 2 mile hike and opportunity to dip in the river.

3:00-4:00pm: Arrive to property. If you can’t make the afternoon hike, you can meet us at the retreat space.

4:30pm - Opening Ceremony. Connection to land, intentions, voice, community.

5pm - Flow and restore yoga session.

6:30pm: Dinner

8pm - Evening circle + songs


Quiet mornings until 8am. Coffee, Tea + light breakfast available.

8:00-8:30am: Guided Meditation

8:30am - 10:00 am: Mindful Strength Session. You will work! :) Accessible for all levels.

10:30am: Brunch

11:30am - 1:30pm - Vocal Activation

Afternoon - Hang at the property or go to the river.

5:30pm - Yoga Nidra

6:30pm - Dinner


Quiet mornings until 8am. Coffee, Tea + light breakfast available

8:00-8:30am: Guided Meditation

8:30am - 10:15am: Bhakti Yoga. Strong, stretchy, uplifting flow.

10:30am - Brunch

11:30am - 1pm - Closing Ceremony, Shares, Songs!

1pm - Retreat Ends.

1pm - 3pm - Sauna and Cold Plunge hang if you can stay.

We will begin each day with silent mornings and meditation at 8am.

The retreat center is immersed in an absolutely stunning property of redwoods, with sweet clearings for sunshine, a spa deck and central gathering place, and just 10 minutes from the Yuba, where you can soak in the cleansing river vibes. You will have time in the morning and throughout the day to lounge and enjoy the spa deck.

retreat pillars

- An INTIMATE group, many returners who value this time and space we create. Many momas and women of all ages, many different backgrounds and life paths. 

- NATURE HOME: at home with nature in this glorious space.

- EXQUISITE DESIGN: Absolutely gorgeous practice spaces, gathering spaces, lounge spaces, sleeping spaces. 

- SOUND: morning time for silence, time for literally the most gorgeous music in your ears of women singing together.

- CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP: Julie and Kayla are devoted to living in alignment with ourselves, in harmony with the earth and each other. We are committed to practices that help us know peace, and inspire us to meet our edge of expansion and expression, for the liberation, freedom and joy of all beings.

- SEASONAL, INTENTIONAL DESIGN: Nourishing gourmet meals. Time to 

- CEREMONY: Every aspect of the weekend designed to be a ceremony where you can land again and again in the present moment, meet yourself as you are, honor this precious life, and fill your cup with inspiration and beauty.

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." - Maya Angelou 

Come sing, move, and play with us. We are so looking forward to this time together. 


This retreat is set up for 2 nights currently. If you would like to join for 3 nights, there will be an option as we get closer to join us on Thursday evening. It will be approximately $200 additional for the extra night and meals.

We are offering the retreat this way, instead of a 3 night retreat, because we know for some of our mamas, it’s hard to be away for 3 nights. And we also know, some of you want to be away longer. So we are creating BOTH options. The retreat will officially start Friday, however we will have a meal Thursday evening and Friday breakfast and lunch for those who join early.

Check out room options and sign up here!

Book by JULY 30 and receive 2 free Outdoor Yoga SF classes!